Talk to Jesus - for REAL:
One of my favorite prayers is a
simple conversation with Christ.
Learn a way of prayer that is a
friendly chat with Jesus.
Printer Friendly Version --
In response to many
requests, I have added a link
to a text only
page that
contains the Jude Novena
and related prayers.
Prayer Chat -- I know, I know. There's still no "Prayer Chat." I am still learning
Java (the software, not the coffee), so it may take longer than I had thought. The
idea is to create a chat room that affords visitors a chance to join with others to
pray the Novena, to thank God for our blessings and to ask for continued help.
Frequently Asked Questions -- My answers to the most
common questions submited via E-mail. If you have questions
about the Novena, about St. Jude, or about publication, check
this new page for help.
New Links and a St. Jude Web Ring -- Now THREE pages of
links!! So many great places to explore on the web, I had to add
two more pages! Saint Jude Shrines, other Jude sites, a 24-hour
online Chapel-cam, the Bible in 9 languages and lots more!!
Start by visiting my 'Links of Faith' Page.
Please write!
This page last modified on Wednesday, October 27, 1999